Yesterday, our school went to the marae at Unitec. When we hopped off the bus, Whaea Linda and Whaea Jess welcomed us onto the marae. When we got into the wharenui we took our shoes off and went inside. When we sat down we met Papa Hau and Matua Hare. Papa Hau told us all about legends and carvings on the maraes walls. After that, it was morning tea. We walked into the wharekai and had Milo, biscuits and scones. YUM. When we finished morning tea, and it was time to go back to school, the boys performed a haka. The marae trip was a lot of fun! Here are some pictures of our trip:

This week was maths week. We have learned games such as the maths chase. The maths chase is exactly like the gameshow the chase but with maths questions. We learnt it from a website called Maths week has been a lot of fun!
In R.E we are focusing on God. We all decorated a page with things that symbolize God. Here is what my title page looks like:

In Room five we have been focusing on Peter Gossage and his art. Peter Gossage is a New Zealand born artist that writes and illustrates Books such as Maui and the Sun, The Fish of Maui and much more. We were inspired by his artwork to create artwork of our own. Here is my artwork:

This week is Cook Island week. We are learning facts like their population, Cook Island myths, what language they speak and how to count in Cook Island Māori. This is how you count to ten in Cook Island Māori:
One = Ta'i
Two = Rua
Three = Toru
Four = 'Ā
Five = Rima
Six = Ono
Seven = 'Itu
Eight = Varu
Nine = Iva
Ten = Ta'i nga'uru