Monday 11 February 2019

Year six camp 2019

A couple weeks ago the year sixes of 2019 went to M.E.R.C ( Marine Education Recreational Center ) in long bay for camp. The very first thing we did there was go to our dorms and unpack, which wasn't hard at all. Then when we finished unpacking we had morning tea, which was delicious! For my groups first activity we did archery. Archery was so fun but was also very hot. After archery we headed back and had our lunch. And continued our activities when suddenly the smoke alarm went off, but luckily it was just a malfunction. My Favourite activity was stack'em, here is a photo of me stacking milk crates:

Some other activities were giant paddle boarding, kayaking, abseiling, orienteering, the giants ladder, rock climbing, and raft building.  Camp was the most fun experience ever!